
Monday, June 11, 2007

Wagonwheel Lake Trail

The first trail to be hit was the Wagonwheel Trail in the southeastern part of Olympic National Park. While the trailhead sign was rather foreboding, the trail really wasn't that bad, at least not by White Mtn. (NH) standards. Hey, if it has switchbacks, I'm happy. The lake was lovely, as were the spring flowers all the way up the trail. There were white and red trillium, Pacific rhododendrun, red columbine, white lily-like flowers, and other pretty but unidentifiable-by-me varieties (sorry, I'm a bit botanically challenged).
Trillium... most were white, but there were a couple of shades of purple here & there as well:

1 comment:

  1. Sue:Welcome back to Washington!
    The purple trilliums you show in one image are the same species as the white ones, it's just that the purple ones are old and finished (kind of like me...).
    See you for Mt. Hood in a few days!
    Bring a book for Rainier, as we may have to spend a tent day or two with the forecast we have.
