
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Coyote Blue Moon

Aaaah-OOOoooooo...!  Coyote Blue Moon--with versions in Colorado, Virginia, and here in Ojai, California--is now history.  By most accounts, a wicked super-awesome time was had by all.  Thoughts are still swirling in my sleep-deprived brain (way too much celebratory champagne on the ridgetop after running 46 miles and climbing 12,000 feet, followed by a 4,000-foot stumble down Horn Canyon in the wee hours of the morning didn't help matters), so here are just a few highlights.


After Ray Miller'n...  hula hoop'n!

Spending hours on the trail with good friends:  the Canucks and--about to begin the 53 miler--me and Bruce (chilly at the start, but check it out:  comfortable in SHORTS on New Year's Eve!  Can't do THAT in Canada.)

Pop-up aid station...

Oh no!  Blake, aka Mr. Hardrock, is eating the DIP!!

Krissy and Ellen took a wrong turn on the way to their New Year's Eve party and decided to run 50 miles instead.  Wild Bill is confused--but happy!--sandwiched between such feminine ambience.

Umm...  You had to be there?  Tetsuro "weighs" his booty.

Discovered while cleaning up after post-event brunch, pretty much explains a lot.  Heh, heh...

If this all looks like fun to you, remember:  Coyote Two Moon is just two months away.  Happy New Year!!


  1. I want shorts too! Man, I thought I moved to TX, and had to do a 20 miler this morning wearing tights, jacket, hat and gloves:) Lovely New year!

  2. It was really fun event for me.
    and so heavy to have tortilla & BLUE b!??....



  3. Man! How did I miss out the fun? Need to pay better attention to the ultra calendar... ;-) Aloha from Santa Barbara.

  4. Sue...

    I wish Deb and I could have made it out for the fun, maybe next year when we're New Mexicans again!
    We had a fun week in frosty Texas ;-)

