
Monday, May 23, 2011

Jemez Top 10

We had a great time running the Jemez Mountain Trail Runs on Saturday!  My Top 10 list:

1.  Feeling like we were running a "mini-Hardrock"
2.  Truly enjoying the day without concern for time or placement
3.  The views from 10,000+ feet x 3 -- Caballo Mountain, Cerro Grande, and Pajarito Mtn.
4.  Running with Diana -- 40 miles of Girl Talk   :)
5.  Popsicles at miles 32 and 39, tofu (TOFU!) at mile 36.
6.  Deb's awesome potato soup at the mile 48 "Last Chance Saloon" aid station
7.  Blake's breaking 10 hours and beating lots of young guns
8.  One more state completed in my 50 Project
9.  Catching Chris, who was running the 50k, a quarter mile from the end and finishing together, hand in hand!
10.  Soaking in Spence Hot Springs on Sunday afternoon w/Chris and "the girls."  Aaaaah....!!

Photo by Steve Pero @ Last Chance Saloon

Monday, May 16, 2011

Born to Run Ultras

I have been a bad blogger of late because we have been very busy enjoying life!  However, I did want to put up a few photos from our friend Luis's 'Born to Run Ultras' last weekend.  We are running Jemez this weekend, so I opted to volunteer while Chris ran the 10 miler.  We had an awesome time at this inaugural event!  Think I'll put the 100 km. on my race calendar next year.  There is also a 100 miler and a 50 km., with options for barefoot or "minimal footwear" divisions.  The races are held on an 8000+ acre, privately owned, absolutely beautiful cattle ranch in the Central Coast Wine Country.

"Frau Kriegenfrassenspitzer" didn't get enough mascot'ing at C2M, so she showed up to cheer on the B2R folks, too.  (She's a barefoot runner.)
Chris lent Luis his chicken suit...
Friday night's marshmallow stuffing contest...
Others employed different prerace loading...
These deer wandered by just before the start to check out the scene.
Chris ran the entire 10 miler in his cow suit, thereby winning the Bovine Division.  I'm so proud of him!   Our buddy Mike finished his first 100 km.  Congrats Mike!
We spent the past four days driving across the Southwest en route to Los Alamos, New Mexico (for the Jemez races) and visited some new places--the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Lee's Ferry and Page Arizona, and Hilldale Utah, polygamy capitol of the US (totally freaky!)...  also Zion National Park again.  Unfortunately, the weather was cold, snowy and rainy, so we opted against Angel's Landing this time.