
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

John Muir Trail: 3 days, 20 hours!!! *

What an adventure!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sitting at the Mammoth Library checking email and still processing all that happened during the JMT speed trek... suffice it to say it all went better than I'd ever dreamed it would! I'd originally planned to go for the women's record of ~5.5 days, when a previous record holder Peter Bakwin (his record subsequently broken by Kevin Sawchuk) suggested last winter that I go for the whole enchilada... I figured what do I have to lose?

This was a supported adventure, and my crew of Chris and Deborah (JMT vets both) was stellar -- without them I didn't have a prayer of the record. They met me at the end of each very long day and had the tent set up, "real food" cooked, etc. Mind you, this meant some VERY long approaches for them, in addition to the tent, each carrying TWO sleeping bags, TWO Thermarests, a bear can, my food for the next haul, etc. Deborah joined me for 16 miles thru Evolution Valley at the end of Day #2 and kept me on target. She also was kind enough to accompany me for the entire final day which was over 60 miles between Red's Meadow and Yosemite. If not for her, I think I would have finished but not under the old record. I owe both Chris and Deb BIG TIME!!

Weather was key, and I lucked out. On the day I finished, friends attempting to climb Whitney were turned back due to lightning and drenching rain; I merely got sprinkled on for an hour or so! Also key was backpacking the Trail beforehand. I cannot imagine going into this one blind. It truly is an adventure of the "postgraduate" variety!

I'll compose a full report within a few days. Hopefully my feet won't still look like sausages by then..... :)

* 3 days, 20 hours is my time from Whitney Portal to Happy Isle in Yosemite Valley. My time from the summit of Whitney, i.e. the official southern terminus of the JMT, was 3 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes.


  1. Yah Sue!!! I was just talking to Horton and he knew about this, so I had to check your blog. Congrats girlie! You are amazing.

  2. Awesome Sue! You are a frickin' machine! Really nice going, I'm super proud and happy for you!

  3. you're a superstar - congrats!!

  4. go sue go! unbelievable. well it'd be unbelievable if it was anybody but you! great job!!!!

  5. Amazing yet again Ms Sue! You are incredible. rest up and enjoy it!

  6. Wow Sue you ROCK!!! Incredible effort; can't wait to read more on this feat.

  7. Wow Sue congrats!

    It's sorta funny to read you post about my old playground when I met you out in New England . . . but it is great to read about places I've seen and absolutely love!

    I imagine someday we'll move back .. . I miss 'real' mountains ;)


  8. Cheers and three hip hip hoorays for ya.

    Happy trails

    Billy no pants

  9. sue, a big congrats on your awesome adventure and record. hope you will more details to your blog. interested in what gear and food you carried between trail heads. rest up and have a fun time visting the millers.

  10. Bravo Sue J.! You continue to be an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing all your adventures on your blog, as well as your gear list. Many, many congratulationson your JMT record!! Hope to see you back East, one day...


  11. Sue -You da man!!! so, Chris that must mean -You da woman! (Ill leave deb out as I dont know her) Way cool adventure, makes for way jealous reading! Congrats - Jeff W

  12. Awesome, amaze us again!

    Your buds,
    Steve and Deb

  13. Amazing feat!
    It's absolutely incredible what you've done, great job!
    And there was even no beer involved! Gotta fix that next time around :)

    Hope to see you on the trails,

    Mike Popov
