
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Garbonzo does Leona!!

Looking great and oh-so-stylish all day and almost an hour faster than last year - I'm so proud of him!!

I had utterly no desire to run the race myself so spent the day crewing and getting in almost 22 quality miles on my own, running from aid station 3 to 2 and back, then from 3 to 5 and back.  This section of the PCT is mostly smooth singletrack and very runable.

Garbonzo contemplating the final 8 miles...
And coming around the final curve to the finish line! 

It was also awesome to reconnect with some faces of the past and meet a few new ones.  You know who you are, Cool People!  ;-)  We had driven directly to Palmdale after a week in Las Vegas.  Post-race, we drove ~90 min. back to Oxnard, were home for approximately 6 hours, then zipped down to LAX to catch a plane to Atlanta.  Have I ever mentioned that life with this man is never boring?!  Not-Boring-Guy at Gate 51, really early Sunday morning:
Oh yeah, Vegas...   I RODE THE ROLLER COASTER!!  It was fun albeit way too short at only a couple of minutes. We ran trails at Bootleg, Cottonwood, and Redrock Canyons, and lower elevation trails in the Mt. Charleston area but couldn't do the peak because of too much snow.  We also had dinner atop the Stratosphere which was pretty cool.  Dessert--a chocolate turtle flanked by two different types of creme brulee--was sinfully yummy but surpassed the following night by tiramisu at Sergio's Italian Gardens...


  1. Wow, what a life, never boring indeed! And these treats look so forbidden, I don't think small pieces would do me any good:) So, any trips down to sunny humid Texan Hill Country for any business?

  2. You are the most awesome crew/sherpa/supporter!! What fun trips, and holy cow that dessert is insane. I can't wait to drop my face into a piece of cake on June 28th!!

    I hope you both stay very well, and always have safe travels!

  3. Ooooh frickin' hell, I want me some of that. Congrats to Garbonzo!
