
Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Week in Shenandoah National Park

Tuesday:  Austin Mtn., AT, Blackrock, Paine Run, Trayfoot, Furnace Mtn. - 21 miles
Wednesday:  Big Run, Madison Run, AT, Jones & Doyles Falls - 11 miles
Thursday:  Big Run, Big Run Portal, Brown Mtn., AT - 21 miles
Friday:  Wildcat Ridge, AT, Riprap - 12 miles
Saturday:  Patterson Ridge, Rocky Top, AT - 15.5 miles
Sunday:  Catlett Spur, Hazel Mtn., AT, Byrds Nest #3 - 7.5 miles
Monday:  Knob Mtn., AT, Neighbor Mtn. - 18 miles
Lots of leaves, one bear, a few deer, & an unintentional big mileage week.
Congratulations to my Sweetie for getting in >100 miles during his 100k b'day week!!  So proud.  :)


  1. *Le sigh!* T-shirt weather!
    I'm having serious adventure envy. First Moab, then Knobstone and now 100+ miles in Shenandoah?!? The adventure envy is directly proportional to the thermostat here in Banff - -38c in my backyard this morning. Whoa. I'm browsing cheap airfares next....

  2. Hey Sue,

    Do you still live in Vermont? If so, let's run together!

  3. Leslie - Usually we try to combine fun stuff w/C's work trips, which was the case for Indiana & Virginia (DC).

    Deanna - No, but I get back there a couple of times a year to visit my family in the Northeast Kingdom. Will be going back after the holidays. :)
