
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Florida Miles: DONE

We tacked on a couple of extra days on the tail end of a business trip to Jacksonville last week so that I could complete my 50 trail miles in Florida.

I chose a section of the foot-travel-only Florida Trail in the Ocala National Forest which showcases a unique habitat:  the sand pine scrub forest.  This is the largest remaining tract of this particular habitat, most of which has been destroyed by development.  This stretch of FT was the first section to be cut and blazed back in the 60s.

With a surface of sand, pine needles, and/or leaves, the trail was flat (duh), smooth, and "no-excuses" runable!  It was also extremely well marked.  The Juniper Prairie Wilderness was my favorite section.

"Prairies" here take on a different meaning.

At times the trail felt very tropical, at times more north woodsy...

Hopkins Prairie was the largest, and I was treated to sightings of 8 sand hill cranes (also 6 deer, 3 black snakes, lots of birdies, and ick:  TICKS).

Scrub Jays?
Saw a few species of flowers I'd never seen before.  Palmetto everywhere...

The Ocala has numerous natural springs and shallow lakes.  At the end of the first hot, humid day I appreciated a dip into 72-degree Juniper Springs.  Aah...BLISS!

With temps in the upper 80s and high humidity, taking 2 days to complete all 50 miles made for a more enjoyable, laid back experience.  Chris crewed me again (yes, I am a very lucky woman) and was able to meet me every 5-8 miles.  It was still hot and humid enough that I ran with a bladder full of water.
After a quick sponge bath, I am done... and about to be attacked by a clump of Spanish moss!



  1. Nice!!! Very exciting, as I've been on that very trail before and that's just 30 minutes away from where I grew up. Cool pics!!!

  2. You are a very lucky woman for sure. Nice to have a relaxed outing yet moving towards the set goal.

  3. Jamie, please tell me you are not from Hog Valley. Heehee!

  4. I have to ask ( I feel like a nerd!) are you the same Sue who has gone the furthest of any other woman in the Barkley Marathons?

  5. Oh no, I've been discovered! Just kidding, Caitlin. Yep, I'm the same Sue. Back in the day...

  6. I like your pictures

  7. Ha, you were down my way Vermonster! Hope all is well.

    -AT Class of 94'
