A new event! The lunatic who conceived of Coyote FourPlay (RIP) now brings you the Coyote Two Moon 100M/100K ultras in the beautiful mountains of Los Padres National Forest in Ojai, California. With around 25,000 ft. of climb for the 100 miler and 19,000 or so for the 100K, and with cutoffs of 40 and 24 hours respectively, you will definitely get a workout. But with a high point on the course of just ~6200 ft., there's lots of oxygen, so how hard can it be, right? VERY hard as we "scrub" runners discovered over April Fools weekend. (See my very first blog post. The event's name has been changed from "Dos Lunas" to "Coyote Two Moon.") But take a look at that groovy belt buckle...... Ooooh! Now wouldn't that be a beauty to add to your collection?! Add the high-quality Patagonia shirt and finishers jacket, and whereas you may be looking a little, shall we say, "rough" on Sunday morning, you will be STYLIN'!
In other news, I'm leaving for Wrightwood tomorrow for the Angeles Crest 100 this weekend. Am I recovered from the JMT? Absolutely not. Stupid to attempt a 100 so soon (16 days) after the JMT? Yeah, probably. But I entered way back last winter, and since there are no refunds, and since it's only a couple of hours away, and since I really, really like this course...... what the heck...... we'll see what happens. At least I won't have to wake up the next morning (and the next and the next) and do it all over again, a la JMT. Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Sunday morning Postscript: The running was fun for about 40 miles--I truly like the AC course, especially the section around Baden Powell, and enjoyed running many miles with Honey Albrecht of Arizona. Then it started to really suck. (No, I am definitely not recovered from the JMT!) After doing some quick math and realizing I could be home, showered and in bed by 9:30 p.m., combined with the knowledge of what lay ahead, I called it a day at Shortcut Saddle, almost mile 60. The women's race ROCKED, with last year's winner Ashley Nordell and Suzanna Bon finishing only 14 minutes apart and Suzanna breaking Evelyn Marshall's 12 Y/O course record by about a minute! Also, Kathryn Bassett did an A+ job with the live updates.
And now I must go eat some chocolate ice cream...... :)
Run well at AC! I'll be interested in seeing what you do there. And above all, have fun.
IMNSHO running 100 miles 16 days after setting the JMT record is certainly not stupid. Umm, err, well, at least no stupider than running 100 in the first place. Recovery is overrated; I think Ted Corbitt proved this.
The Crazy Swede Mats Roing pointed me to your site, very cool.
Anyway, best to you!
Sue, nothing stupid is for idioys like us! Ha, definitely not for a super-gal like you! I'll be following you closely and wish you all the best, I keep making plans for AC and keep skipping it...next year? Have a great run!
sue kick some butt at ac!
i want to run the coyote two moon but it's just too far out to know if i can swing it.
again.. have a great run at ac!
Having fun is what it's all about, and hope you have just that at AC. Coyote Two Moon looks like a great race! Very stylish logo to boot.
Good Luck at AC Sue. I haven't had much time this summer to keep up with your blog but I'm glad to hear that your running well. I sad to hear that there not running coyote fourplay anymore I think I would have loved to done that one. Right up my alley if you know what I mean. Are you coming back to 3 Days next year? Well we'll see ya out there.
Dave W.
Sue, you're so smart and calm, I am gonna be like you! No more sufferfest, if it's no fun, no reason to prove anything, right? Rock on and recover!
Yeah those pictures are from Kansas. Actually its all from the Flatrock 50km course. Its kind of silly to call the race Flatrock with pictures like those. Thats whats great about the course. People who have never been to Kansas think its going to be a piece of cake and then there hit with this. Rocks, rocks and more rocks. You should bring some friends and come down and try our little gem out some time. Talk to you later.
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