Saturday, October 27, 2007


Yay, we had rain today! Not a deluge or even a respectable soaking, but at least it was a little something. Also, the Park opened back up yesterday, so I was able to do a nice long run there, 24'ish miles. Some of the trails I hadn't run since C4P, and one was completely new to me. Temps were only in the 60s, perfect. :)

Here's my freckle-nosed boy Fillmore soaking in the rays. He's good at that.


Anonymous said...

New Trail? " was completely new to me"

And where was this??

RunSueRun said...


Not a true trail but the Ranch Ctr. fire road, from Danielson to the water towers near the Coyote Trail. :)

Steve Pero said...

Hi Sioux!

Glad to hear the rain has come! Good things for Ca!

I did 2 hours on the Wapack today as I begin my taper for the marathon next Sunday.
We will miss you when you come out next week...
I have Deb agreed on moving back to NM in three years! I will work on her to make it 2 ;-)

Happy Running!