... once in a very great while, that is. We had to be up in Ojai for an appointment this morning and decided to check out the Rose Valley waterfall and the snow on Nordoff Ridge. Followed a set of bobcat tracks partway up the chip-seal road (part of the C2M course). There was so much snow & rain that the waterfall was actually falling! With a bit more snow on the ridge, I could get out the cross country skis. ??
On a more somber note, my heart goes out to the family of Meredith Emerson, the young woman who went missing near the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail in North Georgia on New Years Day. She was a lover of animals, a beautiful woman only 24 years of age who loved to hike with her black lab, whose life was tragically cut short by a total nutcase. The family is asking those who wish to honor Meredith do so by contributing to their local animal shelters.
I can't believe it's snows in SoCA!!! Looks wild:)
I caugfht a glimps of talk about this woman but hasn't had a chance to read the whole thing. Thanks for reminding.
please make it all melt by april, o.k.??? hi n.s.!!!!
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