Big thrill of the day -- washed my hair for the first time since we landed on the snow!! I wonder if Pantene will give me a promo spot on some future TV ad...
We ventured ever higher today, some of us to 16,200 (my PR to that point), others to 17,200 to stash that single malt scotch. Ascending The Wall (the last 800 ft of vertical climb on fixed rope just before 16,200 camp) caught my breath more than a couple times! We all re-grouped at 14,200, and we may try to creep back up to 17,200 today to take advantage of good weather. (It was so warm today, I donned my running hat and tried to get some tan on my arms -- looks like I'm having fun, doesn't it?) The forecast looks good for the next few days, so we'll likely dig up some motivation to summit while conditions are favorable. Of course, the higher we go, the heavier the task of moving expeditiously, but we won't know the full challenge until we start up again. The final objective, of course, being to get back down safely and happy for having at least taken on the trek.
Most likely, won't be able to post again until we're back down to the NPS Oasis at 14,200. Boy, the hot springs behind the NPS tent sure will be a treat!! Sure hope we get back before Happy Hour closes...
Congrats on PR'ing at altitude today.. You are all doing a geat job up there and the weather gods are treating you well. Strike the summit while you can and be safe out there. Best to you and the team.. Woop Woop
Sue, Go get that summit, and be safe getting back down!
I shouldn't really tease you about this, Sue, 'cuz I know you can't forward images from Denali very easily, but that's a great picture of you on our descent of Hood from last summer!
(it can indeed by strangely warm where Sue and her gang are...I have a picture of sunbathing in the windless-shelter of our snow wall with the thermometer saying + 4 F....and it was comfortable!)
It's been fun following your adventure. Best of luck with the push for the summit in the coming days. Can't wait to hear about it!
16,200 is pretty sweet stuff someday I'll give it a shot.
Yay, Sue, keep on trackin'!!!
Rock on, Sue!
This is exciting. I've always dreamed of Denali. back during High School (was I ever that young?) I was somewhat suicidal. Not intentional, but recklessly doing drugs and overdosing. After my second overdose, I decided that drugs are a coward's suicide. If I'm going to die, it's going to be doing something grand. that's when I thought of climbing Denali solo.
Okay, so I never climbed Denali, but Denali has always been a symbol to me through the years. I'm not longer reckless, but I do exciting things - safely - because I love life so much these days.
Good luck, Sue! Your blog is very exciting!
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